Register Google API Allowlist
Registering Relate as an allowed app in Google Workspace is required before the Relate onboarding meeting.
This document is to register Relate as an approved app in your Google Workspace before the Relate onboarding meeting. Please follow the document below, and if you have any difficulties, please contact us at [email protected].
1. Make sure you are a Google Workspace Admin
Make sure you are a Google Workspace Admin. Only admins can add applications to Google allowlist. If you aren’t an admin, reach out to your organization’s admin and let them follow this process instead.
1.1. First, go to the Google Admin Page. Sign in if you have not done already.
1.2. Find Directory > Users page on the left side, and click your name that is shown on the right. See below screenshot.
1.3. Under Admin roles and privileges tab
, check if your role is a Super Admin.
1.4. If you are a Super Admin, you can proceed to ii) Add Relate to API allowlist.
1.5. If you are not a Super Admin, reach out to the person with the role or get your account a Super Admin role status. Then, proceed to ii) Add Relate to API allowlist.
2. Add Relate to API allowlist
2.1. On the left navigation menu, find Security > Access and Data Control > API controls page. If you do not see the page, click Show more
at the bottom to view additional pages.
2.2.In API controls page, under App access control tab, find and click MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS
2.3. In the Configured apps table, click Add app
then select OAuth App Name or Client ID
2.4. Copy Relate client ID: 896496487864-0bq252frk3u80q051aucqabr6t92jr7c
and paste it into the search bar, you will be able to find Relate app. Select Relate app to proceed.
2.5. Check OAuth Client ID and click SELECT
2.6. Select Trusted: Can access all Google services, then click CONFIGURE
to proceed.
2.7. If you see an identical list shown below on your screen, you have successfully completed adding Relate to your Google Workspace allowlist. Congratulations! 🙌
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