
How to Do Outbound Sales

Prospecting / Inbound vs. Outbound / BANT Framework / Positioning Your Product

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Photo by Dane Deaner / Unsplash

We're Relate (YC S22), a simple sales CRM software for B2B startups.

Today's agenda:

  • 3 Steps to Successful Prospecting
  • Inbound vs. Outbound Sales
  • BANT Framework and Qualification
  • Positioning Your Product

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3 Steps to Successful Prospecting

Early-stage startups must do outbound sales because they need to move fast and acquire as many sales leads as possible to test their MVPs.

The key to successful outbound sales lies in knowing your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) and acquiring the contact information of relevant decision-makers.

Then, you can reach out to them with appealing messages. Once you are connected to a prospect, the goal is to determine if the prospect has the intention to buy your product.

What are Inbound and Outbound Sales?

Depending on who initiates the communication between the lead and the sales representative, you can categorize sales strategy into Inbound and Outbound Sales.

Inbound and outbound sales require different techniques, and they also have different benefits. Depending on your team, product, and markets, a certain type of sales motion suits better.

It is your job to understand the differences between the two and determine what is the best sales strategy for you.

What is BANT and How Can It Help Qualify Prospects in Sales?

Qualifying prospects is evaluating their needs and intention to buy your product. To qualify prospects, you must know certain things. The BANT framework helps you to learn everything you need to qualify prospects.

BANT Framework

  • Budget - How much is the customer willing or able to spend?
  • Authority - Who is the decision-maker of the transaction?
  • Need - Do they have a genuine need for our product/service?
  • Timeline - How much time will the customer lead need to make a final purchasing decision?


How to Increase the Perceived Value of Your Product

Positioning is defining how your product is the best in a defined market. If you don't position it properly, customers might not understand the value of your product.

There are 6 questions to answer to increase the perceived value of your product.

  1. What would be the alternatives for your customers if your product didn't exist?
  2. What the unique attributes and features do you have?
  3. What value do the attributes and features enable for customers?
  4. What characteristics do your customers have?
  5. What context makes your value obvious to your customers?
  6. What trends make your product relevant and more valuable right now?

Relate is a simple CRM software built for B2B SaaS startups. We're in private beta! If you're down to try, reach out to us!